Friday, August 17, 2012


It all started with a dream. One night/morning, I dreamed that I was talking a stroll at Tokyo with my friend. I woke up and told myself, screw dreams, why not make it a reality. Tweeted my friend about it and she agreed that it sounded like a good plan.

I was up North with limited 3G access and I really pushed my phone to check the air ticket rates. I was so excited and started planning my trip even though my friend has yet to confirm her participation. I want to go here, I want to go there, do this and that. (Will do an entry soon about places I want to visit in Tokyo)

In the midst of researching for my 'maybe' trip, I was notified that I will have to come up with a Plan B. Murphy must be my best friend because Plan C and D ended up as a tragedy.

I was a little disappointed and just started browsing online shoes catalog. Thank God I am not an impulsive shopper because I could have ended up with 20 pairs of shoes heh.

I had a meeting with my boss that day and while waiting for him I was trying to improvise plan D to be more convincing.

After the meeting, I walked out with Plan E. I have to say that I am very happy with Plan E.

Tokyo, our time is not here yet. When I become a better person and when I deserve a break, I'll see you again.

Ps: Plan E is to work hahah.

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